The Palm Sunday in Fontevecchia

  • 30/03/2023
  • 251

The Palm Sunday in Fontevecchia

Sunday 2 April 2023

from 4.00 pm

The Fontevecchia Association in collaboration with the Beato Marco d'Aviano Association organizes, onApril 2nd, in Borgo Case Troiano, the celebration of the Second Sunday of Passion, called delle Palme.Image Description

This isthe Sunday before Easter. On this day we remember the triumphant entry into Jerusalem of Jesus, riding a donkey, praised by the crowd that greeted him waving palm branches. The people, gathered and for the voices of Jesus' arrival, spread their cloaks on the ground, while others cut branches from the trees around, and waving them joyfully honored him.

In memory of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, the liturgy of Sundaytakes place starting from a place outside the church where the faithful gather and the priest blesses the olive branches brought by the faithful, then the procession begins inside the church. Here the celebration of Mass continues with the reading of the Passio, or the story of the Passion of Jesus.

To the historical significance is added the symbolic element of the choice of the donkey and not of the horse as a pack and draft animal: the donkey in thetradition and military practice of the ancient East was a peaceful animal while the horse was a war animal.

Jesus' entry into Jerusalem takes place exactly one week before his resurrection from death on the cross.

The celebrations of Palm Sunday, in Borgo Case Troiano, willbegin at 4.30 pm, with the Solemn Procession in honor of Christ the King, preceded by the Blessing of the Palms.

Following Holy Mass sung with reading of the Passio according to St. Matthew.

The priest will be available for Confessions from 16.00 until 16.30. It is absolutely forbidden to park cars in the village where the procession will take place.

Info: 331/7051124 -

About Us

The committee for the establishment of the Fontevecchia Association was formed in 2010 and is an active part of civil society with interventions relating to the environment, mobility, knowledge and integration. The purpose of the association, in addition to the protection of traditions, the territory and the aesthetic redevelopment of the village born in 1600, is articulated on a wide range of interventions.