SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2023, 10:00 AM
I Gigli d’Abruzzo presentan
Location: Associazione Fontevecchia
Via Vallecarbone, 37 – (Motorization Zone – PE)
FREE ENTRY – INFO: 331/6796820
Once again we are about to experience the wonderful Christmas period in our families, districts, towns and cities. For the Fontevecchia Association, which has always been attentive to recovering and passing on traditional uses and customs to future generations, it is an honor to offer everyone, free of charge, a splendid Christmas concert of popular songs, performed with bagpipes and shawms by I Gigli d'Abruzzo. It is the time of Advent, the date of the birth of Our Lord, the period of the year in which all Creation prepares for rebirth and a new restart in the eternal flow of natural cycles. It is certainly the best moment to feel the warmth that the birth releases and radiates that makes the evangelist say "Et verbum caro factum est" and all the joy that the announcement of the God who became flesh should bring to the hearts of men . Over the centuries, pipers have always been considered wandering musicians. With their music they filled the cold December days: from the smallest village to the big city, even going abroad. They have fascinated millions of people, adults and children, of all classes and social conditions with their warm melodies, up to the great travelers who have repeatedly transcribed their musical themes. Although the bagpipe is an instrument
which is used in every period of the calendar cycle, Christmas offers the opportunity to express those tones that do even better deeply vibrate the most intimate strings of the human soul. To put it in the words of Modesto Della Porta “it's a mystery! Always make a sonata only those! Make a unique and always beautiful sonata!”. The classic expression of the period is the Novena, a religious rite that has been well codified for centuries, and of which the bagpipe fully enhances the traditional character deeply rooted in the culture of our populations. And with the sound harmoniously expressed by the shawms accompanied by the bagpipe, as rendered in the splendid illustration by Basilio Cascella "Il Natale Zampognaro" published for the first time
in Abruzzo Christmas in 1897, the “Gigli d'Abruzzo” want to invite you to experience this period of preparation, interpreting some songs, with particular attention to authors and musicians from our area. The appointment is for
SUNDAY 3 DECEMBER at 10.00 am at the headquarters of the Fontevecchia Association, Via Vallecarbone, 37 of Spoltore (Area motorization).
Entrance is free. Info: 331/6796820

Song program
- Eve Sonata
- Novena of the Immaculate Conception
- Now the longed-for hour is approaching
- Piva Piva
- Brother Sun Sister Moon
St. Alphonsus Maria dè Liguori
When I was born
Sleep and rest
- To your cold hut
- Lullaby lullaby oh
- Lullaby to Baby Jesus
- Christmas bagpipes
- In a placid night
St. Alfonso Maria dè Liguori
You come down from the stars