San Giovanni 2023

  • 19/06/2023
  • 375


Rites, myths, uses, customs and traditions from dusk to dawn

Case Troiano

Venerdì 23 giugno 2023 dalle 19,00

"That of San Giovanni is a magical night in which moments of collectivity alternate with moments of great intimacy, in which bonds of friendship are strengthened, through the exchange of the 'ramajetto', a bouquet composed of 9 herbs (St. John's wort, bay leaf, sage, myrtle, fern, mint, rosemary, thyme and basil), but you also purify yourself from your daily life, participating in the ritual of water and fire. The event that, also this year, will take place in Borgo Case Troiano, motorization area (Pe), will allow you to rediscover ancient rituals and traditions, those roots that must be protected and handed down so as not to lose a true heritage of knowledge and knowledge ". 'The Night of St. John', organized by the Fontevecchia Association will start Friday, June 23 with the collection of herbs and nuts to end on St. John's Day.

The feast of St. John is the most ineffable and difficult to describe and interpret, but it has a charm that emanates from the property of establishing a bond between individuals. 'God forgives, St. John does not' our grandparents said and this popular certainty goes beyond the good presuppositions of the Christian faith by drawing on a concept of Nature with strict laws. Perhaps St. John is the ancient God Janus who looks to the past winter and the summer that arrives, guardian of the passage and the crops, grown and blessed by water and sunlight. But the rigor of St. John is also what imposes fear and respect for these natural elements.

The event will be articulated through sacred moments and propitiatory rites that have their roots far away, and that we have recovered thanks to the story of the elders of the Borgo. It starts with the collection of herbs to make ramajetto and walnuts to prepare the walnut liqueur. Then, there will be space for sacred and profane rites, ceremonies, myths, uses, customs and traditions


Friday, June 23, at 18, the celebrations will be opened with the opening of the popular devotional altar set up in the Borgo, whose meaning will be explained, with the image of St. John of the mid-800s from Munich. Once in the garden of the village, the ritual will end with the lighting of the fire. Following are the stories of customs and traditions of Abruzzo and the South linked to this night. Immediately after we will have the exchange of the 'ramajetto', for the ancient rite of the 'comparatico', which the grandparents used to strengthen relationships of friendship and mutual help. So those who want to can exchange with their best friend a bouquet made with nine aromatic herbs following a propitiatory rite that involves jumping the fire in what is a real traditional path.



h. 18.00 Apertura della Chiesa della SS. TRINITA'
h. 19,00 S. Messa in latino con panegirico sulla figura di San Giovanni Battista
h. 20,00 Procession with the statue of St. John the Baptist carried by the faithful
h. 20,15 Benedizione dell'acqua e del fuoco
h. 20,30 Salto del fuoco, scambio dei ramajetti e rito del comparatico
Participation is free
For further information: 331/6796820

About Us

The committee for the establishment of the Fontevecchia Association was formed in 2010 and is an active part of civil society with interventions relating to the environment, mobility, knowledge and integration. The purpose of the association, in addition to the protection of traditions, the territory and the aesthetic redevelopment of the village born in 1600, is articulated on a wide range of interventions.